If you are in your 40s and have been going for injectable fillers like Juvederm, Radiesse and Perlane, you may feel like you reach a plateau at some point. It may be time to ask about the next steps in facial rejuvenation. Until recently, the next step after using injectable fillers was a facelift due to limitations of adding volume alone. Injectable fillers mask the signs of aging by adding volume to sagging facial tissues helping to camouflage flattening of the cheeks, deepening of the nasolabial folds, and the loss of a smooth jawline contour. However, as facial tissues continue to descend, a larger amount of filler is needed to camouflage the appearances of aging.
The Silhouette-Lift is a minimally invasive procedure, which effectively bridges the gap between injectables and surgery by lifting sagging facial tissues away from the mouth and jawline, restoring a youthful fullness to the cheek. The procedure is an excellent alternative if you are not ready to commit to a facelift, but are seeking aesthetic improvements. The Silhouette Lift utilizes specially modified polypropylene sutures with bioabsorbable cones approved by the FDA. The sutures are introduced through a small incision within the hair of the temporal scalp. Four sutures on each side of the face are passed through the superficial tissue under the skin. The unique threads grasp and elevate sagging facial tissues with multiple fixation points provided by the cones and are secured to the temporal fascia. The body absorbs the sutures by producing fibrous tissue around the cones, which stabilizes and maintains the lift. The entire procedure can be preformed in an hour using local anesthetic.
Watch the Silhouette Lift video to gain a greater understanding of how the procedure works. The Silhouette Lift can last three to four years and can be used in conjunction with other minimally invasive techniques such as injectable fillers, BOTOX® Cosmetic, and Fraxel® restore Dual laser to enhance the results.
Dr. Bryan Forley is one of a select few board certified plastic surgeons who have been trained in the Silhouette Lift technique. This technique is an excellent alternative to patients who wish to rejuvenate their appearance without surgery. For more non-surgical anti-aging treatments, Dr. Forley recommends visiting our friends at Ringpfeil Dermatology in Philadelphia. They offer non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic and medical dermatologic services such as injectables, laser treatments, chemical peels and more.
Tags: Aging, botox, dermal fillers, Facial Aging, facial fillers, fillers, fraxel, injectable fillers, juvederm, nasolabial fold, perlane, radiesse, silhouette lift
Written by Dr. Forley on April 19, 2010